Our two-year-old classes just began a unit on Homes. As I did my morning "rounds"
today, I noticed one little boy collaging items cut from magazines and catalogues that would generally be found inside our homes. To my delight I walked in just as he was glueing a mezzuzah and having a conversation with his teacher about the mezzuzah he has at his house.
There were other objects (shabbat candlesticks, chanukiah, etc.) waiting to be glued.
I asked the teacher if she would have thought to cut out objects that make a home Jewish prior to this "Jewish Environment Journey" that we are on and she thought for a moment and said "I really don't think so". It is the small steps we take that make a big difference. Todah to Kitah Yarok for taking a small step on a big journey!

Gluing Jewish ritual objects
let to a discussion about the
mezzuzah Alec has in his
own house!
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