Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Israeli Young Emissaries make their mark!

The impact our Young Emissaries

have on the children in our preschool programs is so powerful. Here we are fortunate to have visiting Israeli soldiers

together with our emissaries making dog tags with the children in the four-year-old program.

Our Israel celebration continues I am happy to say as the children make falafel and continue to learn about Israel up close and personal in an authentic way from those who live there.

Next year our goal is to make Yom Ha'Atzmaut a celebration of all that we have learned about Israel throughout the year. As we surveyed the children's knowledge about Israel,we realized this is an area in the curriculum

that we are excited to develop!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Yom Huledet Sameach Yisrael

The children in our four-year-old program got up close and personal with a large map of Israel. Later on the playground I heard one child say to another" Let's go to Disneyworld" the response was "No, let's go to Israel"! Chag Sameach

The children then created their own map of Israel.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Maddy and Laila Looking for Israel

This morning, two of the children in our four-year-old program

spot the globe and together chant excitedly "Miss Susie, Miss Susie, where is Israel? Fortunately camera was on hand for one of those moments that make us all take stock of why we do what we do, and the lasting impact that Jewish early childhood education

will have on the children and families in our program.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Labeling Bulletin Boards

The teachers have become accustomed to labelling in English and Hebrew and we have notcied the parents paying more attention

to reinforcing the Hebrew words as they are introduced.