Today was a very thought provoking day for me. From the very beginning of the Vision Project, I have struggled with product versus process art projects, especially during Jewish holidays when we want to send home usable items and hiddur mitzvah values. So this week in the midst of Pesach prep and all things crafty, I felt a light go on as I had a chance to sit with many children finishing different product oriented Pesach projects.
Matzah Holder:
description- four square Masonite broads, separated by crafty items of children's choice like dice, letter blocks, scrabble letters, etc...children build till they get three slots for matzah. Each project looks different because of the spacers. (see photo)
Here's what I heard and saw that made this a terrific project/process.
"Hey if I use these shells for spacers, I don't think the matzah will slide in" said Jack O "hmm" I sighed. "Can I get a piece for real and try it, it's too hard to estimate it. I want to be sure." Jack O- ***For me this was it- math, spatial relations, using the word "estimate", knowing how to try out his question- it was all there.
Later, we were finishing this project by putting names of the back. (I want children to be able to look back and see what their writing looks like in the 4's. Jack J started writing his name then said " oh no...I don't like my J." For once I stayed quiet. "I'll start again." he said. This is a child who often has a melt down over such "goofs." Then he had a chance to put a small mailing label saying what year it was made and name of our preschool. I thought for sure he'd cover his "goof J' with the label. Nope. For me this was worth a million observations. I will bring this back up with Jack many times the rest of the year about how he just forged on with the task at hand.
Zach came to put his name on the back of his matzah holder and asked "Is this a sharpie? " "Yes," I answered. "I am not allowed to use these at home." Zach stated softly. "Well ,this a beautiful Pesach item you just made and I want your name to last forever on the back. I would really love you to use the sharpie at school today. What do you think? I said . Zach thought about what I said for a full minute and answered, "This must really be important what I made, cause this is for EVER."
I could go on and on but just wanted to share.
Susie Weiner