Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Color Song Kach Nolad

What do Bone Button Borscht and Stone Soup have in common?

The children in our three-year-old program are reading the old classic Stone Soup by Marcia Brown.Recently we received a copy of Bone Button Borscht by Aubrey Davis, from the PJ LIbrary. This book is a retelling of the Stone Soup folk tale with a Jewish twist. The children will be comparing and contrasting the two versions. The Jewish values central to this story are ma'akhil re'evim (feeding the hungry) and hakhnasat orchim (welcoming guests). The children are planning to make 2 pots of soup, one to share with the rest of the school and the Synagogue clergy, and one to take to the shelter in our town. Thank you PJ Library for this wonderful opportunity to compare an old favorite and make a difference in the lives of our children and the community we live in.

Car Invesgtigation leads to tzedakah for ARMDI

In our preschool there is an investigation all about "cars and trucks" right now. Our education director is also an EMT and he has volunteered to bring the ambulance to our school. The children will get an up close look at what an ambulance looks like both inside and out. This is going to lead to a discussion about our tzedakah project, raising money for American Friends of Magen David Adom (ARMDI)in Israel. Each class has a cardboard ambulance tzedakah box (see photo)and the children will have a real understanding about where the money is going and why.